Ciara in Dublin – Van Gogh Dublin – AN IMMERSIVE JOURNEY
A new and incredibly exciting exhibition just landed in Dublin. It is something I’ve never seen before and also something I urge everyone to experience. It is of course the Van Gogh Immersive Journey Exhibition in the RDS. I had heard about this exhibition as it had travelled around the world and had seen Tik…
June 24, 2022
Anna in Dublin – Little Museum of Dublin
Hello, Anna here with my first blog! Myself and my wonderful colleague Selma headed up to The Little Museum of Dublin on a rainy Saturday morning. We had no idea what to expect and were cautiously optimistic as we entered the 1776 Georgian house just off St Stephen’s Green. We were immediately won over by…
May 26, 2022
Daniel in Dublin – Kilmainham Gaol
Ok, I must admit I’m a bit embarrassed it took me so long to do this one. I’m from Dublin and have lived here over half my life but this was my first time visiting Kilmainham Gaol. I was very excited about this one, everyone who does it says how brilliant is and I agree,…
May 20, 2022
Daniel in Dublin – Marsh’s Library
Here at Vintage Tea Trips we are committed to make Dublin the go to destination in Ireland. Of course you know that Ireland is a wonderful country full of diverse attractions, open greenways and waterways and areas of incredible historical and cultural importance, but did you know that Dublin has all of these and more? There’s a…
March 3, 2022